About TAP

Boost Your Pitching Velocity with Personalized Training from Tyler Anzmann

Between 2008 to 2015, I went from a lightly recruited high school pitcher struggling to throw 85mph to a professional pitcher sitting in the mid 90’s. While training to increase my velocity I found that there was a lack of evidence-based training information and programs. There were two camps, with the “old school” guys claiming that velocity could not be trained, and “new school” guys trying to sell quick fixes and weekend bootcamps. What I needed was a holistic approach to help me improve my throwing mechanics, strength, power, speed, mobility, and body weight. This didn’t exist.

Rather than accept the status quo, I decided I needed to design my own evidence-based training program. I read everything I could find in peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, and training blogs of other strength coaches, and began experimenting on myself. As I began to see results and improvements in my velocity, first over 90mph as a 22-year-old, then sitting 94mph in bullpens as a 24-year-old, other athletes, coaches, and parents began to inquire about training them, their players, or their kids, and Tyler Anzmann Performance was born.

Why the system works

Many baseball programs, trainers, and coaches struggle to holistically train their athletes. We help athletes throw harder and stay healthy by changing their throwing mechanics, getting strong, powerful, and mobile.


In-Depth Assessment Process

We take a deep dive into your needs including mobility restrictions, movement competency, a mechanical analysis, and a force velocity profile.

Individualized Training

Our assessment process allows us to individualize your program more precisely and drive more efficient results.


Objective Tracking

We track objective metrics on the field and in the weight room to track progress and iterate on our process as we go.


Coaching Feedback

Whether you’re training in-person or remotely, feedback from your coach is an important element of the process and allows you to accelerate your progress.

Ready to Train?

Let’s get in contact and talk through your needs and goals. We’ll answer all of your questions and help you get on the right track towards your goals!

Tyler Anzmann Performance

4128 Menlo Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215

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