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Explore Expert Articles on Pitching Mechanic
Training Specificity Part I: Being a Generalist
The guiding principle of training is specificity, such that when building a program for athletes of any stage the first factor you must consider is...
Thursday Training Thoughts
Stop Sacrificing Training Quality for "Toughness" All of the issues inside the University of Maryland football team highlight a problem across the...
Olympic Lifts: Pros, Cons, and Alternatives
Olympic lifting and its inclusion in training programs seems to always be a contentious topic for strength and conditioning coaches and athletes...
Week 65 Recap
It's hard to believe I've been at this for 65 weeks now! It was another solid week of work on repatterning. All training should be mentally draining...
Tuesday Training Thoughts
Force Vectors Affect Adaptations I've talked about the SAID principle (specific adaptations to imposed demands) before, but I'm going to get even...
The Case for “Playing into Shape”
We're getting close to the start of practice for fall sports, and with that, many athletes are preparing for conditioning tests. Coaches use these...
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Tyler Anzmann Performance
4128 Menlo Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215