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Weekend Training Thoughts
Just some thoughts I've had about training during the past week. Rest Between Sprints/Jumps/Med Ball Throws Too many athletes try to rush through...
New Core Training: Get Rid of Crunches and Try This!
I’m not here to demonize the crunch, but for most people there are safer and more effective movements that can be done instead-especially if...
Improve Your Training By Using Warm-Up Sets
Warm-up sets are an often overlooked piece of the training puzzle, and the way they’re used, or not used, can improve or inhibit your training....
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Week 60 Recap with Video
Wow, 60 weeks! I'm still in the repatterning phase right now, but I got in some really solid reps last week. I've still got quite a few issues in my...
Improve Your Training By Using Warm-Up Sets
Warm-up sets are an often overlooked piece of the training puzzle, and the way they're used, or not used, can improve or inhibit your...
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Tyler Anzmann Performance
4128 Menlo Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215