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Start of Week 31: Reprogram
It's the start of week 31! It's been a solid week so far. I'm deloading my throwing a bit, and changing my plan some. I'm getting back to more of...
Driving the Road to Greatness on the Struggle Bus
What does it take to be great? Or at least as great as YOU can possibly be? Well, I certainly don't have all the answers, but the more I read about...
Start of Week 29: 95mph on Walking Windup
It's the start of week 29! Great start to the week so far! PR'd in a few of my plyo drills and hopped off the mound for a few and was 90-92 which is...
Start of Week 27: Video of 92mph Walking Windup
It's the start of week 27! It's been a solid start to the week! I PR'd in a few of my plyo drills now that I'm feeling better. This is video of a...
Week 26 Recap
It's the end of week 26! This was kind of a weird week because I was in Key West for a family vacation. It was a deload week for me in the weight...
Week 25 Recap
Week 25 is in the books! It's been a crazy last few weeks and I've been less consistent with my posts, because last week I got married! Anyway,...
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4128 Menlo Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215