Week 25 is in the books!

It’s been a crazy last few weeks and I’ve been less consistent with my posts, because last week I got married!

Anyway, training has still been consistent and solid. But I’ve been working through some lateral elbow pain and I was finally able to push the envelope with my throwing intensity yesterday and got back into the low 90’s. Not bad considering I’ve had to really back off my throwing intensity the last 3-4 weeks to get my arm healthy again.

I expect the velocity to continue to improve as long as I can continue to recover effectively. I think I’ve eliminated a few of the stressors that were tough on my elbow and will hopefully be healthy from here on.

In the weight room I had to change some things around to make sure I’m able to get the most out my sport specific training. The violent elbow extension that was happening during my pressing variations was causing pain and keeping me from throwing at a high level, so I’ve changed the way I’m using pressing variations in terms of movement speed and it’s helped a lot.

I’ll be using some heavier weights on presses and med ball throws to help alleviate the stress of high speed elbow extension in the weight room and still allow me to train for power.

Thank you guys for following me on my journey to the show! I’ll be posting more consistently now that the wedding is over, so check in early next week for my next post!