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Week 64 Recap w/ Video

I'm 64 weeks into this journey! For the last few weeks I've been working on reatterning and getting pain-free. I'm getting closer and closer every...

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Week 63 Recap w/ Video

Week 63 is done! Another week of repatterning and relatively low effort throwing. While I'm not throwing at a high intensity I'm making a concerted...

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Week 62 Recap with Video

I've been plugging away for 62 weeks now! I'm still working through some issues in  my delivery right now, but I'm getting closer every day. As I've...

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Weekend Training Thoughts 7/21/18

You Achieve the Results You Specifically Train For Training results/adaptations rarely happen accidentally, they are achieved through a mindful,...

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Week 61 Recap

These 61 weeks have been an up and down journey and this past week was no different. I've been gradually ramping back up to max effort pulldowns,...

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Tyler Anzmann Performance

4128 Menlo Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215

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